

Mackinnon, Tim, 344
Magnusson, Geir, 472
mail task (Ant), 549
mailingLists/mailingList element (Maven), 465, 476
MailLogger (Ant), 61
Main class (Ant), 569
main classes (JAR files), 15
main targets (Ant), 40
< majority> selector container (Ant), 49
manajing projects. See Maven
manifest files, 13, 76
mapper element (Ant), 6364, 554555
mappers (Ant), 6364
flatten, 64
glob, 64
identity, 6364
merge, 64
package, 64
regexp, 64
unpackage, 64
MapperServlet example, 362365
master buildfiles
Hello World Model 2 example, 121125
Hello World project, 7880
Maven, 457458
adding Ant tasks to, 473474
architecture, 469471
benefits of, 458
documentation, 479
downloading, 458
goals, 459460, 469470
installing, 458459
on Unix, 459
verifying the install, 459461
on Windows, 459
jcoverage plugin, 416
maven.xml file, 467, 478
pet store example
building the project, 484485
custom deployment options, 485
defining dependencies, 481482
deployment, 486
directory structure, 480481
Eclipse plug-in, 484
project descriptors, 482484
Web site, 486487
declaring as dependencies, 461462
installing, 461
multiproject, 478
properties, 470
troubleshooting, 462
POM (Project Object Model), 462464
project element, 464465
project layout, 467468, 475476
project properties file, 467, 478
properties, 471472
root project descriptor, creating, 476478
running, 459, 470471
src directory, 467468
subprojects , calling, 478479
target directory, 468
Maven component (CruiseControl), 499500
maven.xml file, 467, 478
adding Ant tasks to, 473474
McWhirter, Bob, 472
Merge component (CruiseControl), 500
merge conflics (CVS), 3536
merge mapper (Ant), 64
merge points (XDoclet), 143
merge task (Ant), 412
MessageBodyWebRequest class (HttpUnit), 644
metaphor (XP practice), 9
mkdir task (Ant), 538
MKS component (CruiseControl), 498
mock FilterChains, 238240
Mock Objects, 343344
mockdoclet task, 141
Model 2 HelloWorld. See Hello World Model 2 example
< modificationset> element (CruiseControl), 493
monitoring performance. See JMeter
move task (Ant), 538
multiproject plug-in (Maven), 478
multitiered applications, testing, 251252
MVCHelloWorld project example
adding clean/package/test target, 495
build log, 493494
configuration file, 491495
< cruisecontrol> tag, 491
log files, viewing, 497
< modificationset> element, 493
< project> tag, 491
publishing results, 494495
quiet period, 492
running, 496497
< schedule> element, 492
MVCHelloWorld project example (CruiseControl), 491497
configuring for Bugzilla, 283
installing, 281282

Professional Java Tools for Extreme Programming
Professional Java Tools for Extreme Programming: Ant, XDoclet, JUnit, Cactus, and Maven (Programmer to Programmer)
ISBN: 0764556177
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 228 © 2008-2017.
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