Package org.apache. cactus.util

Both of the classes in the util package have been deprecated in Cactus 1.2. ClientCookie has been improved to become org.apache.cactus.Cookie and the functionality of AssertUtils has been rolled into WebResponse.

Class AssertUtils Deprecated

 public class AssertUtils 

Inheritance Information

Extends: Object


The functionality of this class has been incorporated into WebResponse as of Cactus 1.2.

AssertUtils is a class of static utility functions that simplify the extraction of information from HttpUrlConnections. Such information can then be used in assertions:

 /*this is the Cactus 1.1 endXXX() method signature.*/ public void endSomeTestMethod( conn) {       /*cookie assertions*/       Hashtable allCookies = AssertUtils.getCookies(conn);       List chocolateChipCookies = (List)allCookies.get("C_CHIP");       assertEquals("only one chocolate chip cookie set",                     1, chocolateChipCookies.size());       ClientCookie cookie = (ClientCookie)chocolateChipCookies.get(0);       assertTrue(cookie.getMaxAge() < this.FRESHNESS_DATE);       /*response assertions*/       String allResponseText = AssertUtils.getResponseAsString(conn);       assertTrue("contains descriptive text",                   allResponseText.indexOf("Cookies 4 U") > -1);       String[] allTextArray = AssertUtils.getResponseAsStringArray(conn);       int last = allTextArray.length;       assertTrue("html tag closed",                   allTextArray[last].endsWith("</html>"));     } 


  getCookies(HttpURLConnection theConnection)  public static Hashtable getCookies(HttpURLConnection theConnection) 

This method returns a Hashtable containing cookie names as keys. The associated values are Lists (Vectors) of ClientCookie objects that can be inspected.

  getResponseAsString(HttpURLConnection theConnection)  public static String getResponseAsString(HttpURLConnection         theConnection) throws IOException 

This method returns the output stream contained in the connection as a String.

  getResponseAsStringArray(HttpURLConnection theConnection)  public static String[] getResponseAsStringArray(HttpURLConnection         theConnection) throws IOException 

This method returns the output stream contained in the connection as an array of Strings, where each String corresponds to a line in the output stream.

Class ClientCookie Deprecated

 public class ClientCookie 

Inheritance Information

  Extends:   Object  


The functionality of this class has been expanded and included in the Cookie class of Cactus.

ClientCookie is a simple class for storing the information about a cookie contained in a set-cookie header. It is usually instantiated by AssertUtils.getCookies(HttpUrlConnection connection).


  public ClientCookie(...)  public ClientCookie(String theName, String theValue, String theComment,         String theDomain, long theMaxAge, String thePath,         boolean isSecure, float theVersion) 


The following methods are accessors for all the properties specified in the constructor; they correspond to the different parts of the set-cookie response header.

  getComment()  public String getComment()  getDomain()  public String getDomain()  getMaxAge()  public long getMaxAge()  getName()  public String getName()  getPath()  public String getPath()  getValue()  public String getValue()  getVersion()  public float getVersion()  isSecure()  public boolean isSecure() 

Professional Java Tools for Extreme Programming
Professional Java Tools for Extreme Programming: Ant, XDoclet, JUnit, Cactus, and Maven (Programmer to Programmer)
ISBN: 0764556177
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 228 © 2008-2017.
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