Implementing the MAC


Listing 10-1 demonstrates an implementation of the MAC algorithm in Java code; it provides an example of the init , doFinal, and update methods . The following steps summarize the algorithm:

  1. Initialization: If the key length is less than B, pad with zeros. If the key length is greater than B, hash it.

  2. XOR the pads starting with the inner pad.

  3. Create the outer pad.

  4. Utilize the outer pad to create the final digest.

Listing 10-1: The RichMAC class a: MAC algorithm
start example
 package com.richware.chap10;     import*; import javax.crypto.*; import javax.crypto.spec.*; import javax.crypto.interfaces.*; import*; import java.math.BigInteger;     /**  * Class RichMAC  * Description: This is an example  * implementation of the MAC  * algorithm.  *  * Copyright:    Copyright (c) 2002 Wiley Publishing, Inc.  * @author Rich Helton <>  * @version 1.0     * DISCLAIMER: Please refer to the disclaimer at the beginning of this book.  */ public class RichMAC  {   /**    * The algorithm used for the HMac. Usually SHA1 or MD5    */       /* The algorithm name */   private String      algorithm_;   /* inner pad */   private static byte ipad_ = 0x36;   /* outer pad */   private static byte opad_ = 0x5c;   /* Digest Block Length */   private static int  B_    = 64;       /* The Length */   protected int L_;       /* inner pad */   private byte[] ipad_key = new byte[64];       /* outer pad */   private byte[] opad_key = new byte[64];       /* The MAC key */   private byte[] macKey = new byte[64];       /* The Message Digest */   protected MessageDigest        md;   public final static String[][] testData =    {     //    data string, md hex     { "", "D41D8CD98F00B204E9800998ECF8427E" },     // A.5 1     { "a", "0CC175B9C0F1B6A831C399E269772661" },    // A.5 2     { "aa", "4124BC0A9335C27F086F24BA207A4912" },     { "abc", "900150983CD24FB0D6963F7D28E17F72" },  // A.5 3     { "aaa", "47BCE5C74F589F4867DBD57E9CA9F808" },     { "bbb", "08F8E0260C64418510CEFB2B06EEE5CD" },     { "ccc", "9DF62E693988EB4E1E1444ECE0578579" },     { "message digest", "F96B697D7CB7938D525A2F31AAF161D0" },  // A.5 4     { "abcdefg", "7AC66C0F148DE9519B8BD264312C4D64" },     { "abcdefghijk", "92B9CCCC0B98C3A0B8D0DF25A421C0E3" },      {                                              // A.5 5       "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz",       "C3FCD3D76192E4007DFB496CCA67E13B"     },      {                                              // A.5 6       "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789",       "D174AB98D277D9F5A5611C2C9F419D9F"     },      {                                              // A.5 7       "12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890",       "57EDF4A22BE3C955AC49DA2E2107B67A"     },   };   public static final char[] hexDigits =    {     '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'A', 'B',     'C', 'D', 'E', 'F'   };       /**    * Constructor RichMAC    * @param algorithm    *    * @throws NoSuchAlgorithmException    *    */   public RichMAC(String algorithm)           throws NoSuchAlgorithmException    {     algorithm_ = algorithm;     md         = MessageDigest.getInstance(algorithm_);     L_         = md.getDigestLength();   }       /**    * Method doFinal    * Description : does the final calculations    * and returns the digest    * @return the digest    *    */   public byte[] doFinal()    {     byte[] hash1;     byte[] hmac;         /* Get the original digest */     hash1 = md.digest();     md.reset();     /* Update with the outer pad */     md.update(opad_key);     /* Update with the original hash */     md.update(hash1);          hmac = md.digest();     return hmac;   }           /**    * Method init    * Description : does the initial calculations    * with the secret key    * @param key the Secret key    *    * @throws InvalidAlgorithmParameterException    * @throws InvalidKeyException    *    */   public final void init(Key key)           throws InvalidKeyException,                  InvalidAlgorithmParameterException    {       init(key, null);   }       /**    * Method init    * Description : does the initial calculations    * with the secret key and algorithm spec    * @param key the secret key    * @param params the key parameters    *    * @throws InvalidAlgorithmParameterException    * @throws InvalidKeyException    *    */   public void init(Key key, AlgorithmParameterSpec params)           throws InvalidKeyException,                  InvalidAlgorithmParameterException    {     byte[]           keyBytes;         /*      * convert the secret key into a bytearray.      */     if (key instanceof SecretKey)      {       keyBytes = key.getEncoded();     }     else      {       throw new InvalidKeyException();     }         /*      * If the key is greater than B,       * the key has to be hashed.      * If the key is less than B      * the key must be extended with zeros.      */     int n = B - keyBytes.length;         /*      * If the key is less than B,       * fill up to B size with zeros      */     if (n > 0)      {       System.arraycopy(keyBytes, 0, macKey, 0,                        keyBytes.length);       for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)        {         macKey[keyBytes.length + i] = 0;       }     }     /*      * if the key size is greater than B,       * the key has to be hashed and the       * digest is retrieved      */     else      {       if (n < 0)        {         md.update(keyBytes);         macKey = md.digest();       }     }         /* Copies the MAC Key into the ipad_key */     System.arraycopy(macKey, 0, ipad_key, 0, B_);     /* Copies the MAC Key into the opad_key */     System.arraycopy(macKey, 0, opad_key, 0, B_);         for (int j = 0; j < B_; j++)      {       /* XOR the ipad_key with the ipad */       ipad_key[j] = (byte) (ipad_key[j] ^ ipad_);       /* XOR the opad_key with the opad */       opad_key[j] = (byte) (opad_key[j] ^ opad_);     }         /* Digest the ipad_key */     md.update(ipad_key);   }       /**    * Method reset    * Description : Resets the values for a new digest    */   public void reset()    {     md.reset();   }       /**    * Method update    * Description : Updates the input data    * @param input the input data    *    */   public void update(byte[] input)    {     md.update(input, 0, input.length);   }       /**    * Method update    * Description : Updates the input data    * with the offset and data length.    *    * @param input the input bytes    * @param offset the offset of the input    * @param len the length of the input    *    */   public void update(byte[] input, int offset, int len)    {     md.update(input, offset, len);   }       /**    * Method update    * Description : Updates the input data    * with the offset and data length.    * @param input byte    *    */   public void update(byte input)    {     md.update(input);   }       /**    * Method getMacLength    * @return the length of message digest    *    */   public int getMacLength()    {     return L_;   }       /**    * Method main    * Description: This is a test driver    * @param args none    *    */   public static void main(String[] args)    {     try      {       /*        * Create a password for the file        */       char[] password = new char[4];       password[0] = 't';       password[1] = 'e';       password[2] = 's';       password[3] = 't';           /*        * Create a new local MD5 and test data        */       RichMAC local_m = new RichMAC("MD5");           /*        * Test the JDK version        */       javax.crypto.Mac m =         javax.crypto.Mac.getInstance("HmacMD5");           /*        * Build the key        */           // Use the char array to create a PBEKeySpec       PBEKeySpec keySpec = new PBEKeySpec(password);           // Create a SecretKeyFactory for the PBE key       SecretKeyFactory keyFactory =         SecretKeyFactory.getInstance("PBEWithMD5AndDES");           // Generate the key from the key spec       SecretKey srKey = keyFactory.generateSecret(keySpec);           // Convert the key to a byte buffer       byte[] keyBuffer = srKey.getEncoded();           m.init(srKey);       local_m.init(srKey);       byte[] testBytes = testData[1][0].getBytes();           /*        * Update the digest with data        * normally the data can be updated        * at different times        */       System.out.println("Test Length :" + testBytes.length);       System.out.println("Test String :" + testData[1][0]);       m.update(testBytes);       local_m.update(testBytes);           byte[] digest  = m.doFinal();       byte[] digest2 = local_m.doFinal();       char[] buf     = new char[digest.length * 2];       char[] buf2    = new char[digest2.length * 2];       int    j       = 0;       int    k;           for (int i = 0; i < digest.length; i++)        {         k        = digest[i];         buf[j++] = hexDigits[(k >>> 4) & 0x0F];         buf[j++] = hexDigits[k & 0x0F];       }           String buffer = new String(buf);       System.out.println("JDK New Digest       :" + buffer);       j = 0;           for (int i = 0; i < digest2.length; i++)        {         k        = digest2[i];         buf[j++] = hexDigits[(k >>> 4) & 0x0F];         buf[j++] = hexDigits[k & 0x0F];       }           String buffer2 = new String(buf);       System.out.println("Local New Digest     :" + buffer2);     }         /*      * Catches      */     catch (Exception ex)      {       ex.printStackTrace();     }   } } 
end example

Listing 10-2 demonstrates its output. The example also uses the MAC classes in the JDK to verify that it works correctly.

Listing 10-2: The output of Listing 10-1
start example
 >java com.richware.chap10.RichMAC Test Length :1 Test String :a JDK New Digest       :146304F265F9D40E5192933CB29C6CAD Local New Digest     :146304F265F9D40E5192933CB29C6CAD 
end example

Listing 10-1 demonstrates the HMAC algorithm. If a different password is passed in the init method, different digests are produced. Notice that the program does not have to re-invent the message digest algorithm, but is simply a wrapper around the message digest. The modifications around the message digest are used to handle the secret key through inner and outer padding. The RichMAC class, a demonstration, is simply a wrapper of a generic interface into the message digest. To know which message digest to use, the algorithm name must be passed in the constructor. After the class is constructed , it will wrap an instance of a message digest created with the algorithm name. Most of the methods simply call the message digest interface. The only real work done is the manipulation of the secret key.

Listing 10-1 also demonstrates how to implement the MAC through the JDK's javax.crypto.Mac class. The Mac class supports the init , update , and doFinal methods. The Mac class is an engine class, meaning that it doesn't create the constructor of the algorithm directly. The class of the algorithm is returned through a getInstance method. The algorithms that can be returned are the ones supported through the underlying service providers as shown in Chapter 4.


The javax.crypto.interfaces.PBEKey interface is for handling Password Based Encryptions (PBE), where the key is based on a password. The PBEKey interface can create a secret key from a password and be used like any other secret key algorithm. See Chapters 4 and 7 for more details on PBE.


Java Security Solutions
Java Security Solutions
ISBN: 0764549286
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2001
Pages: 222 © 2008-2017.
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