A theory is an assumption. A theory is an idea based in possibilities but not necessarily in fact. A good theory should create more questions then answers. An excellent theory will simply be a container for questions to be researched. A familiar theory like The Theory of Relativity proposed by Albert Einstein created a huge container for daunting questions. Business theories are not generally as grand as this. But perhaps your business theory is not well-conceived or is vague, and you need to define it more clearly. How do you go about that? You start where you are.

You start with the question. If you have a question about why tornados seem to hate trailer courts, you may use it to begin your research. A theory does not answer the question but acts as the framework around the question or questions. A theory is the collection of questions, thoughts, or general principles that attempt to explain something. Science is based on various theories or sets of theories that are constantly tested to determine facts as true or untrue. Theories are the source of grand debates as they are agreed upon as valid or argued about until determined as factual or inaccurate. Gravity, for example, is another theory that has been well tested . Most people agree upon its relevancy. However, because no one can completely comprehend its true nature, the questions of gravity are still determined as a theory because they cannot completely be validated as indisputable fact.

One interesting aspect of theories is not only that they lead to more questions, but they also highlight the exceptions. These exceptions can lead to more questions and research with also can lead to more theories. Space flight was principally driven by countless theories that NASA continues to test, succeed, fail and re-test again. In the wake of all these theories countless discoveries, strategies, anomalies, disappointments, terrors, victories, and more questions have emerged.

Business Management Theories are readily available and should also be tested for relevancy and workability. A simple example of a Business Management Theory is that, "the work gets done when people show up." This is a lovely theory that may or may not be true. To test it, everyone should stay home next Monday and see what happens. Or come to work and spend the day reading magazines. Another Business Management Theory might postulate that work gets done more quickly with the presence of music, or the colors in the office determine attitudes, or safe people are happy people, or if there is a disaster everyone will be more than willing to show up and do their jobs. Interesting theories, but are they facts?

What theories are operating at your company?

Examples of Management Theories

  1. Maintain consistency with products and services

  2. Work from a philosophy of win-win

  3. Avoid dependence on outside markets

  4. Reward success

  5. Implement training at all levels

  6. Improve daily

  7. Remove barriers

  8. Do not fear fear, use it to grow

  9. Make peace when possible

  10. Expect quality and motivation

Examples of Emotional Continuity Management Theories

  1. Support emotions as a normal part of human experience

  2. Develop excellent resources for management of emotions, small and large

  3. Encourage employees to discuss feelings as part of their productivity

  4. Discourage emotional spinning at the worksite while allowing room for expression of personal feelings

  5. Create an appropriate support system for emotionally impaired employees

  6. Eliminate tension when they interfere with productivity at a cost effective level as predetermined by management or administration

  7. Mitigate conflict with open communications

  8. Work for reconciliations

  9. Institute training and advanced training in conflict resolution for all strata of employees

  10. Become a beacon of success with both strong business leadership and strong emotional leadership

Emotional Terrors in the Workplace. Protecting Your Business' Bottom Line. Emotional Continuity Management in the Workplace
Emotional Terrors in the Workplace: Protecting Your Business Bottom Line - Emotional Continuity Management in the Workplace
Year: 2003
Pages: 228 © 2008-2017.
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