Exam-taking Tips

You take these sample exams on your own, but we strongly suggest that when you take them, you treat them just as you would the actual exam at the test center. Use the following tips to get maximum benefit from the sample exams:

  • Before you start, create a quiet, secluded environment where you are not disturbed for the duration of the exam.

  • Provide yourself a few empty sheets of paper before you start. Use some of these sheets to write your answers, and use the others to organize your thoughts. At the end of the exam, use your answer sheet to evaluate your exam with the help of the answer key that follows the sample exam.

  • Don't use any reference material during the exam.

  • Keep in mind that some of the questions may be vague and require you to make deductions to come up with the best possible answer from the possibilities given, whereas others may be verbose, requiring you to read and process a lot of information before you reach the actual question.

  • As you progress, keep track of the elapsed time and make sure you're able to answer all the questions in the given time limit.

Developing and Implementing WindowsR-based Applications with Visual BasicR. NET and Visual StudioR. NET Exam CramT 2 (Exam 70-306)
Developing and Implementing WindowsR-based Applications with Visual BasicR. NET and Visual StudioR. NET Exam CramT 2 (Exam 70-306)
Year: 2002
Pages: 188

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