OleDbConnection marshal by reference, disposable

OleDbConnection marshal by reference, disposable

System.Data.OleDb (system.data.dll) sealed class

This class represents a connection to an OLE DB data source, which can be opened (in order to execute a SQL command) or closed. For information about the basic OleDbConnection methods and properties, refer to the reference for the System.Data.IDbConnection interface, which OleDbCommand implements. If an error is generated by the data source when performing an operation over a connection, an OleDbException is thrown.

In addition, the OleDbConnection provides some additional provider-specific read-only properties, such as Provider (the name of the provider, as in MSDASQL), and ServerVersion (a string with the data source version in the format xx.xx.xxxx). The version maps to the OLE DB DBPROP_DBMSVER property. If this isn't supported by the underlying OLE DB provider, an empty string is returned.

The OLE DB provider implements connection pooling through COM+, which allow connections to be reused on the same computer, provided clients use an identical connection string.

 public sealed class  OleDbConnection  : System.ComponentModel.Component , ICloneable, System.Data.IDbConnection {  // Public Constructors  public  OleDbConnection  (  );      public  OleDbConnection  ( string   connectionString   );  // Public Instance Properties  public string  ConnectionString  {set; get; }  // implements System.Data.IDbConnection  public int  ConnectionTimeout  {get; }  // implements System.Data.IDbConnection  public string  Database  {get; }  // implements System.Data.IDbConnection  public string  DataSource  {get; }     public string  Provider  {get; }     public string  ServerVersion  {get; }     public ConnectionState  State  {get; }  // implements System.Data.IDbConnection   // Public Static Methods  public static void  ReleaseObjectPool  (  );  // Public Instance Methods  public OleDbTransaction  BeginTransaction  (  );      public OleDbTransaction  BeginTransaction  (System.Data.IsolationLevel   isolationLevel   );    public void  ChangeDatabase  ( string   value   );  // implements System.Data.IDbConnection  public void  Close  (  );  // implements System.Data.IDbConnection  public OleDbCommand  CreateCommand  (  );      public void  EnlistDistributedTransaction  (System.EnterpriseServices.ITransaction   transaction   );    public DataTable  GetOleDbSchemaTable  (Guid   schema   , object[  ]   restrictions   );    public void  Open  (  );  // implements System.Data.IDbConnection   // Protected Instance Methods  protected override void  Dispose  ( bool   disposing   );  // overrides System.ComponentModel.Component   // Events  public event OleDbInfoMessageEventHandler  InfoMessage  ;      public event StateChangeEventHandler  StateChange  ;   } 


System.Object figs/u2192.gif System.MarshalByRefObject figs/u2192.gif System.ComponentModel.Component(System.ComponentModel.IComponent, System.IDisposable) figs/u2192.gif OleDbConnection(System.ICloneable, System.Data.IDbConnection)

Returned By

OleDbCommand.Connection , OleDbTransaction.Connection

Passed To

OleDbCommand.{Connection , OleDbCommand( )} , OleDbDataAdapter.OleDbDataAdapter( )

ADO. NET in a Nutshell
ADO.NET in a Nutshell
ISBN: 0596003617
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 415

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